its been a while since i didnt do anything for my blog.. i never thought that i would ever write this blog ever again since starting school at KMS (Kolej Mara Seremban)..
but to think it back, i think i write something for this holiday. anyway, i had promise my junior last time to write something for them to read about the scholarship after the SPM..
hmm ... actually, i already forgot about the scholarship.. not all la... tapi ingat skit2 jer..
well, usually the students from mrsm pc will aim for:
2. JPA
3. UTP
4. Petronas
5. Others.. (khazanah, uem, bank negara, lim kok wing...)
well, obviously, those who like to take the mara, will fill the maras form and so are those who have the intention to take jpa do the same by fill the maras form..
but the problem is, what to choose??
hmm.. for me, the question is not "what to choose", but its more to "what do u want?" do u want a comfortable life during ur foundation and as well during the time in oversea??? then u take JPA. JPA can offer u a very luxury life (most of the time)..
and how about mara??
well for mara, i tell u its very damn easy to mara scholarship... if u have 8As n above, then u have it! dont worry..
i dont really know what to write about but i do some writing again nest time..
so, untill next time..
29 November 2008
After a long dead...
Posted by GoodSpeed at 5:35 PM 0 comments
17 August 2008
Hidup Kembali...
hmm... susah berape bulan dah x update blog nie...
makin lama makin kosong... saye amat kesal kerana hal ini terjadi.
maklum la saye pun dah menyambung pelajaran di KMS yg 'tercenta'...
di sana amat la susah hidup... dari pelbagai segi.. tapi yg pasti adalah saye amat sibuk
semasa di sana... sibuk pun satu hal, jadual waktu pack skit..
waktu malam mmg free tapi x der komputer nk online... (saye x der laptop).
so, harap korang maafkan saye sebab x leh nk update blog nie...
hidup saye pun semakin lama semakin bosan.. so, x ade ape nk ditulis mahupun dikongsi bersama..
ape pun harap korang sume berjaya dalam bidang masing2 la.. huh..
nnt ade mase jumpe lagi sume!!!
Posted by GoodSpeed at 12:26 AM 0 comments
11 June 2008
04 June 2008
Harga minyak naik!!!
PUTRAJAYA 4 Jun - Harga petrol dinaikkan RM0.78 seliter kepada RM2.70 seliter berkuat kuasa mulai esok.
Ia merupakan kenaikan harga hampir 40 peratus daripada harga RM1.92 seliter sekarang.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Harga diesel turut dinaikkan sebanyak RM1 kepada RM2.58 seliter daripada RM1.58 sekarang.
Bagaimanapun, untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat, Abdullah berkata, kerajaan akan memperkenalkan rebat tunai bahan api dibayar kepada pemilik kenderaan persendirian sebagai satu bentuk subsidi minyak.
Perdana Menteri juga mengumumkan tarif elektrik Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) yang ditentukan secara progresif berdasarkan kegunaan. - Utusan.
this is serius.. damn serius. abang aku yg kerja plant manager SHELL kat Johor pun suruh beli minyak sebelum kuat kuasa malam nie. naik tinggi sangat! oh my dear..
Posted by GoodSpeed at 7:27 PM 0 comments
19 May 2008
My fellow friends...
You see, its been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
(Quoted by Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, pg. 115)
Posted by GoodSpeed at 12:17 AM 0 comments
17 May 2008
Fun Trivia, Strange Facts....???
Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution! Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second! The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card! There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos! There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants! | |||||||||||
The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off! | |||||||||||
Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500! The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad! Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating! Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult! One car out of every 230 made was stolen last year!
by da way, check what happen during your birthday!!! click here!! its totally fun... |
Posted by GoodSpeed at 11:30 AM 0 comments
13 May 2008
HUB Halal...
''Ramai yang beranggapan industri halal hanya berkaitan makanan dan minuman, sedangkan industri itu adalah lebih luas termasuk bidang perkhidmatan,'' kata beliau.
Tambahnya, industri halal mempunyai potensi yang cukup besar untuk diterokai kerana permintaan produk halal di seluruh dunia semakin meningkat.
Dalam pada itu, Sheikh Saleh turut melahirkan rasa bangga terhadap komitmen dan kesungguhan Malaysia dalam membangunkan industri halal sehingga mencapai yang begitu membanggakan.
''Malaysia adalah negara pertama yang agresif membangunkan industri halal dan saya ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada kerajaan Malaysia kerana kesungguhannya,'' kata beliau lagi.
Posted by GoodSpeed at 11:11 PM 0 comments
11 May 2008
Freeze the moment with photos....
wanna watch some tv??
mesti budak pompuan kenal bilik nie..
saye pun pernah tgk...
anyway, di sini ade iklan solat...
wahai umat Islam, jangan lah terleka dan
marilah menunaikan solat..!!
tgk model semayang nie!!
Posted by GoodSpeed at 5:53 PM 0 comments
Info komputer!!!-4 (masalah Limewire)
hmm... pasal download lagi... sekarang saye ingin cite pasal masalah limewire.. ringkas jer
well, limewire are very famous for its supremacy. still, most people dont realise the problem lies from it. sebenarnya, limewire ade byk kelemahan.. dan hari ini saye akan listkan satu..
jika korang sume perasaan, selepas korang siap jer install limewire tue, folder utk completed download bg limewire sudah siap terpasang di hard disk C. OK!! ini lah masalahnye!! apabila korang sume download something, content bagi hard disk C korang akan bertambah..
even selepas korang delete, content akan jadi sediki ringan tapi masih byk lagi beban.. maknanye, jika semakin byk content yg didownload, makin berat pc anda!!!
even selepas korang uninstall limewire nie, masalah hard disk korang tue x akan selesai dan x kosong ringan kembali... ini terjadi sebab komputer telah hasilkan byk temporary file dlm hard disk C dan byk file attachment yg korang x leh delete secara biase..
utk selesaikan masalah ini, pastikan folder completed download itu berada di hard disk D atau E..
saye tahu pasal masalah ini sebab pernah terjadi pada saye sendiri... penyelesaian saye ialah format balik komputer saye.. mmg menyusahkan.. harap korang sume x kena macam tue la..
Posted by GoodSpeed at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Info komputer!!!-3
sekarang saye nk cite pasal game plak....
well, sebenarnye x der pape pun yg best... just wanna share to u on how to play your pc games without using the cd. sebenarnye banyak cara. saye hanya listkan few cara yg saye tahu. antaranya, jika mase korang install game tue, sesetengah game boleh diinstall penuh termasuk dengan battle.net.. so, kalau korang full install game, biasenya x payah la gune cd lagi afterward.
then, cara lain ialah pada kebiasaan korang sume beli game yg pirate (yg berlambak kat kedai), biasenye ade "crack" version dlm cd tue... maknanye selepas korang install game korang sume tue, korang kena copy crack and paste it inside the game's folder dlm hard drive C punyer. then lepas tue baru bleh main...
tapi most game lepas copy crack still x dapat main tanpa cd... so, this is hard. sebab some people main game 2-3 game . so, malas jgk tukar cd.. then, kite jgk mesti sayang cd n x nk gune byk kali cd kite tue.. well, utk itu, korang sume bleh try dapatkan patch utk game tue.. utk dapatkan patch tue, korang bleh download kat sini (click here).
untill then, kalau x dpt jugak.. korang cari cd game lain la. sebab game nie utk melepaskan tension.. bukan tmbh tension utk install game tue..
kalau korang ade soalan, bleh la tanye.. i may not be professional, but i may offers u some help.
Posted by GoodSpeed at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Info komputer!!! -2
well.. sekarang pun saye still nk bincang pasal download..
mesti korang sume pernah dgr pasal download accelerator.. well, sume org ade software masing2 utk download. ... tp saye ade cadangan utk satu software... saye pernah gune macam2 downloader contohnya internet download manager, flashget, download accelerator and macam2 lagi software dan tiap satu ade kelebihan dan kelemahan. pasal kelebihan dan kelemahan itu, dibincangkan kemudian posting... tp pilihan saye ialah Download Accelerator Plus Premium..
this downloader is very fast, trusted, easy to use, user friendly interface, and safe... more inportant, speed dier sgt laju.. and agak konsisten..
tgk speed kat tepi nie!! 303.4kb/s??? laju siot??
mane nk cari laju macam nie??
so, try la download software nie.. ingat! name software adalah Download Accelerator Plus Premium version. yg premium version adalah versi berbayar... so, u r already knew how to find it does u? huhu..
if u have nay question, just leave ur comment..
ill try my best to what ill can do..
Posted by GoodSpeed at 1:40 PM 0 comments
10 May 2008
Info komputer!!!
saye ingin berkongsi sedikit ilmu pasal IT perkomputeran...
well, cakap pasal download sume org tahu.. sume org ade skill masing2 dan ade trick mereka sendiri.. ada yg menggunakan rapidshare, p2p (peer-to-peer), torrent dan macam2 lagi. dan saye yakin ada diantara korang nie mmg otai dlm bab download nie... hehehe... but now i would like to share mine..
jika saye, saye lebih suke men-download dgn menggunakan Limewire PRO 4.16... program ini lebih mesra pengguna, cepat, bebas virus dan ..mudah segalanye la!!! tp ramai jgk yg tanye saye balik, dari mane dpt Limewire PRO nie? bukan ke yg PRO nie versi berbayar? ko bayar ke azam?
well, itulah yg saye ingin kongsi sebenarnye... limewire pro mmg kena bayar.
tp dari bayar, baik amek free jer!! macam mane nk amek free??
hahaha, mudah jer.. korang bleh gune ares, bearshare, utorrent ke or segala jenis downloader korang ade tue, then cari jer installer utk Limewire PRO tue!! hahaha.. never thought to be this easy huh? saye prefer gune uTorrent sebab lagi selamat walaupun agak lambab..
ingat! selamat lebih penting dari speed.... rapidshare agak laju tp x selamat...
so, jika anda semua ade soalan pasal komputer, bleh la tnye saye..
saye bukan professional.. tp tau la skit2.. sebabnye bukan ape, susah nk dpt tips komputer dlm bahasa malaysia!!
Posted by GoodSpeed at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Isu Agama...
isu makanan halal... saya bukan ustaz atau prof mahupun dari golongan cerdik pandai, tapi mungkin saya ada sesuatu yg boleh dikongsi.
baru2 ini, timbul satu isu mengenai makanan yg diragui halal di sesetengah hotel di malaysia berikutan pengambilan chef yg bukan Islam. pelbagai pihak sudah ditemu bual dan byk jawatan kuasa sudah dirujuk. dan isu ini terlalu besar utk dibincangkan.
namun, apa yg lebih penting sekarang ialah, saya ingin membawa saudara serta saudari utk memberi pandangan bagi satu situasi yg paling mudah akan berlaku. contoh paling mudah ialah, "chopping bord"... sekeping papan utk memotong daging pun mampu menyeleweng ke-halal-lan makanan kita itu. cuba bayangkan chef yg memotong daging khinzir dan daging ayam atau ikan yg halal dgn menggunakan board yg sama... hmmm.... bukankah itu sudah menjadi makanan was2? tidak perlu saya menjelas mengenai hukum halal haram kerana sumua pun sudah jelas akan perkara ini.
maka, cuba saudara serta saudari fikir, jika israel itu sendiri sudah mempunyai patten makanan mereka sendiri? mengapa kita penganut agama Islam tidak berbuat demikian? atau mungkin nasi ayam yg kita makan itu yg buat doa kita selalu tdk makbul?? mintak jauh ....
by da way...
Assalamu'alaikum, Please don't break or putuskan mail ni...keep on fowarding to ur friend insyallah aminkan doa kita ini. we make a doa' for our suffering Muslims ummah in Palestine , Afghanistan , Iraq , Chechnya, Kashmirand anywhere else around the globe? If each of us makes a doa' and send this friendly reminder to other muslims, just imagine how much good deed we will receive (without realising so). "Ya Allah, selamatkanlah umat Islam yg sedang sengsara di Palestin, Afghanistan , Iraq , Chechnya serta diseluruh pelosok dunia akibat dari angkara mungkar dan kekejaman musuh musuh Mu. Peliharakanlah mereka, lindungilah mereka, kasihanilah mereka dan berikanlah rahmatMu ke atas mereka" ameen ya Rabbal A'lamin
Posted by GoodSpeed at 12:24 AM 0 comments
this is my new blog... dont worry, no nasty thing inside this blog.. yet..
thanks for coming... maybe we all could share some information..
(blog may be an informative source, so lets make one)
next time im gonna post about the rising high price of gas around the world. your ideas and thoughts are very much welcome!
Posted by GoodSpeed at 12:05 AM 0 comments