11 May 2008

Info komputer!!! -2

well.. sekarang pun saye still nk bincang pasal download..

mesti korang sume pernah dgr pasal download accelerator.. well, sume org ade software masing2 utk download. ... tp saye ade cadangan utk satu software... saye pernah gune macam2 downloader contohnya internet download manager, flashget, download accelerator and macam2 lagi software dan tiap satu ade kelebihan dan kelemahan. pasal kelebihan dan kelemahan itu, dibincangkan kemudian posting... tp pilihan saye ialah Download Accelerator Plus Premium..

this downloader is very fast, trusted, easy to use, user friendly interface, and safe... more inportant, speed dier sgt laju.. and agak konsisten..

tgk speed kat tepi nie!! 303.4kb/s??? laju siot??
mane nk cari laju macam nie??

so, try la download software nie.. ingat! name software adalah Download Accelerator Plus Premium version. yg premium version adalah versi berbayar... so, u r already knew how to find it does u? huhu..

if u have nay question, just leave ur comment..
ill try my best to what ill can do..